Our News

There's always something happening in the Helen Doron Educational Group. New learning centres are opened, courses are added, new campaigns and events are launched, and new horizons are reached.


The Helen Doron Educational Group is delighted to announce Aidai Kubanova and Kevin Qin as the new Helen Doron English Master Franchisees for Kyrgyzstan’s Bishkek and Chuy regions. Aidai Kubanova, a former Helen Doron teacher in Turkey, decided to return to her home country with her businessman husband, Kevin, to open their first learning centre […]

At Helen Doron English, our commitment to nurturing every aspect of a child’s physical, emotional, and intellectual development is at the heart of our educational approach. The recent “Let’s Dance!” contest, part of the “Young Heroes on the Move!” initiative, showcases our innovative methods and the power of our global franchise network. This contest highlights […]

The successful Helen Doron English franchise network recently concluded its successful “Young Heroes on the Move!” campaign, an initiative that exemplifies the strength and unity of our global educational group. Running from November 2023 to June 2024, this campaign was designed to highlight the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, reinforcing our commitment […]

The Helen Doron Educational Group is thrilled to announce Martina Lukanova as the new MathRiders National Franchisee for Bulgaria. Martina, who for the last 8 years has been a successful Helen Doron English Franchisee in Sofia, Bulgaria, made the decision along with her family after visiting the MathRiders nationwide operation in Poland, who at present […]

What an incredible journey it’s been! Our “It’s Always Debatable” tournament brought together brilliant young minds from around the globe to debate pressing issues such as environmentalism, animal conservation and teen activism. After many months of regional and national level debates we finally made it to the international and final round. 10 students from nine […]

We’re pleased to announce that Silvana Ionica has established a new Learning Studio in the southwest area of Germany, close to the historic city of Freiburg. After teaching there for nearly five years, Silvana decided to take the next step to establish her own Learning Studio. The lovely new studio, featuring the latest Helen Doron […]