Spotlight on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Helen Doron English in Bosnia and Herzegovina is unstoppable, with new students signing up in all of their new and veteran learning centres as more and more parents realise the importance of English for their children’s future success.

Nina Viskovic, National Franchisee for Bosnia and Herzegovina, who joined Helen Doron English in 2012, reflects on her country’s 50% growth since 2020, “We can say that the time of Covid-19 was crucial for our development, even though we expected and were prepared to take risks in business due to the fear of mass withdrawal of students. The fact that we promptly organised online classes with quickly and carefully prepared materials from the Helen Doron Head Office differentiated us from other online classes in other schools and was key in maintaining the number of students and the fantastic jump in new student enrolment.”

Nina and her teachers at their recent Annual Conference

There are currently 20 learning centres, with a total of over 3200 students, with a solid plan to expand into the Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska.

In recent years, due to popular demand in Zenica, Kiseljak, and Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina launched three new schools.
Meanwhile, the learning centre including the popular suburbs of  Vogošća and Visoko, which opened in 2016, grew so big that the co-managers split and opened two new centres.   The Helen Doron English Visoko learning centre has been linked to the Vogošća learning centre for seven years, and this year, with the growth and development of the market, demand and population, the two locations were separated into two Helen Doron English learning centres, headed by Emira Cocalić-Hadžimešić and Amela Mustafić-Čelik.

Nina proudly continues, “In addition to the planned activities in the field of new learning centres and the expansion of Helen Doron franchises throughout our country, we are in the process of implementing the Helen Doron Plus morning programme, Helen Doron Spanish, and Cambridge testing centres, and all of these challenges make us especially proud and happy.

However, since we are a socially responsible company with a strong sensitivity towards the less fortunate, we organise yearly a joint humanitarian action at the state level—from collecting money for the Heart Association for children suffering from cancer to collecting food for the association, where we collected almost 4 tons of non-perishable food for distribution to people in need.

Emira and Amela started under the same franchise roof until success "forced" them to go their separate ways.

Nina concludes, “With continuous new enrolments, all Bosnia and Herzegovina franchisees will continue to follow the same path of success. Maybe the directions will veer to the left or to the right, but in the end, they will merge into one again as an important part of the Helen Doron English international community.”

Students from Helen Doron Bihać on a field trip
Bosnian Helen Doron students love learning English!
Students collecting food for those in need