
Providing for our network, we develop global campaigns to strengthen our brand awareness and consistency of messaging across the different markets. Here are some of our recent campaigns which were promoted across the network channels and pages.

Back to School 2023

We are thrilled to present you with the “Exceptional Experience” Back to School 2023 marketing package!

As with every year, our campaign is designed to highlight the unique Helen Doron English methodology and showcase the incredible experiences children can have while learning with us.

In line with our marketing strategy of keeping a personal and authentic approach, and putting the child in the centre, this year in particular, we focus on the individual child’s story and experience.

Visually, we show the emotions of our students (and their parents) experiencing the joy, discovery, friendship, empowerment, belonging, and love our programs offer.

The campaign focuses on children’s journey of discovery, emphasizing those incredible moments when they learn a new word, make a new friend, bond with their teacher, or create something beautiful.

"Young Heroes on the Move!" 2024

The “Young Heroes on the Move!” campaign, running from November 2023 to June 2024, showcased the Helen Doron English franchise network’s commitment to holistic education by promoting physical activity and healthy living among children. With participation from learning centres in 40 countries and over 1,200 locations, the campaign highlighted the network’s ability to mobilize global resources for a common cause. Outstanding projects included a race in Zagreb, Croatia, involving 400 students and 15 sponsors, athletic competitions in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, featuring a Tokyo Marathon run, and community-wide activities in Senec – Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovakia, with 400 participants. This initiative demonstrated how physical activity enhances cognitive skills and brain development, making a tangible impact on children’s growth and well-being.

The campaign not only unified the global network but also reinforced its commitment to social responsibility, with 60% of the winnings donated to charities supporting active lifestyles. This effort exemplifies how the Helen Doron franchise model can drive positive change and foster a sense of global unity. By integrating physical activity, proper nutrition, and overall well-being into educational programs, Helen Doron English is transforming children’s lives worldwide. Join the Helen Doron Educational Group and become part of a successful global network dedicated to innovative English education and the holistic development of children.


It’s Always Debatable International Tournament 2024

The recent “It’s Always Debatable” Tournament, featured 10 talented finalists from nine countries. These young participants demonstrated exceptional English language skills, including grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, and impressive confidence in debating. The event showcased the effectiveness of Helen Doron’s teaching methods and highlighted the unique approach that sets them apart from competitors. Special recognition was given to the Split Learning Centre in Croatia and the Blagoevgrad Learning Centre in Bulgaria for their support in hosting candidates from other countries, underscoring the network’s collaborative spirit.

The live event attracted a large online audience, with thousands of views, shares, and comments on social media and participants joining via Zoom. The tournament increased interest in the “It’s Always Debatable” course. To support this enthusiasm. The winners of the tournament came from Israel, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Poland, each excelling in their respective age categories. Overall, the event was a testament to the dedication and skill of the students and the effectiveness of the Helen Doron educational approach.

Back to School 2024

Why would parents choose us for their children’s
education when so many other options exist? The
answer is simple – because we’re the BEST in our field.

This year’s BTS campaign shows that Helen Doron English is
the ideal choice for parents who want their child to learn
English as naturally as a native tongue. We do this not by
comparing ourselves to other programmes but by
highlighting the advantages and effectiveness of our method.

We are committed to showing parents that choosing Helen Doron
English means choosing the BEST method and the BEST investment in their children’s futures.